When we qualify people as civilized we are including many things that sometimes are not easy to clarify because civilization is not a word of equal meaning for all cultures.
There are many variable elements that configure this type of consideration and that sometimes are based on parameters such as time, evolution, customs, beliefs, history … These concepts make it possible to partially clarify a definition that may be valid for some while others may find it unfair or inappropriate.
Without entering into deep discussions about these great concepts such as civilization, culture, evolution or time, we can choose art as the objective of our foundation.
Civilization, culture, art.
These are words that form a family as grandparents, parents and children do.
We intend to make our contribution in helping on the development of art and building this family’s home in its last link.
We intend to establish a link between the artist and the patron in a practical way and in a very specific area.
Our work is conceived in two aspects:
The first seeking direct contact with active artists to try to help and promote for their activity in the art world.
The second is trying to bring together as many possible patrons willing to help artists with their financial possibilities.
In the first phase, we try to create activities in which artists can express their talent, their concerns, and their works. We also intend to create relations and a conductive environment between them so that a fluid communication allows them a good exchange and knowledge of art, as well as a moment of reflection and relaxation on their way.
As for the patrons, we are ready to propose, explain and convince those people to join this noble goal by collaborating in our project.
The foundation “Nadace Mairie des Arts” opened its doors with one objective:
Artists as creators of art